How did Task Force for Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision come into existence?
The 2015 General Convention passed 2015-A169 which directed “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) to prepare a plan for the comprehensive revision of the current Book of Common Prayer”
Three years later the SCLM provided the 2018 General Convention with 2 options:
2018-A068 Plan for the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer
2018-A069 Engagement with the Book of Common Prayer
At General Convention 2018, Legislative Committee 13 - Committee to Receive the Report of Resolution A169 sent a significantly amended version of 2018-A068 Plan for the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer to the House of Deputies. The House of Deputies further amended 2018-A068 and sent that version to the House of Bishops. The House of Bishops substituted the House of Deputies version with the final version of 2018-A068 which was then sent back to and approved by the House of Deputies. You can see the full legislative history of 2018-A068 here.
The final version of 2018-A068 called for the creation of the Task Force for Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision.
The 2015 General Convention passed 2015-A169 which directed “the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) to prepare a plan for the comprehensive revision of the current Book of Common Prayer”
Three years later the SCLM provided the 2018 General Convention with 2 options:
2018-A068 Plan for the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer
2018-A069 Engagement with the Book of Common Prayer
At General Convention 2018, Legislative Committee 13 - Committee to Receive the Report of Resolution A169 sent a significantly amended version of 2018-A068 Plan for the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer to the House of Deputies. The House of Deputies further amended 2018-A068 and sent that version to the House of Bishops. The House of Bishops substituted the House of Deputies version with the final version of 2018-A068 which was then sent back to and approved by the House of Deputies. You can see the full legislative history of 2018-A068 here.
The final version of 2018-A068 called for the creation of the Task Force for Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision.